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Middlesex, VT 05602 goodkarmarescue@gmail.com
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12/3/2024 7:06 PM

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It was over 5 years ago, on August 13, 2011, that we purchased Cody (alias Tristan) from Good Karma Rescue. He was about 1 1/2 years old at the time. Kentucky bred. We were looking for a "Collie" and had another one of your dogs in mind but that dog was in the process of being adopted so you asked us if we would consider Tristan. We are very happy you did! Attached are a few recent pictures. He is the most wonderful dog. He has been very healthy. Gets a lot of attention from folks wherever we go. People ask, "What is he?" We usually have to explain that, yes, while he looks like a border collie, his size (about 90 lbs) comes from the Great Pyrenees side. Cody seems to possess the best traits of both breeds. He has been exposed to the woods extensively since he came home with us. On our walks he is alert to anything he detects, stopping to observe with his eyes after hearing or smelling something--he usually draws my own attention to what he is observing. Cody also loves to travel with us in the car, reacting happily, and quietly, to the sight of other dogs and children. He barks only when something truly needs to be barked at. Very intelligent. We've owned many dogs--he ranks near the top in intelligence. There is a bit of independence, what you might call stubbornness, in him in that he is not the quickest dog to want to respond to a command as quickly as we would like. But that's just part of his innate personality that we find endearing (most of the time). He appreciates all the love and attention we give him and he seeks that from us a lot. We couldn't be more pleased and we like to tell people he's a rescue dog and where we got him whenever that opportunity arises.


Thank you so much for checking in. Katie (new name is June), is doing great. We could not have asked for a more perfect dog!


Hi! I meant to update you on Inkling ages ago. I absolutely adore her and she has fit in so well in my home. She is so loving and spirited. She and my other dog LOVE each other. Thanks so much for everything!

Roxy 2

All is going really well! Roxy a great little dog and we all love her. She gets along wonderfully with our other dog, Beric, and our kids spend a lot of time playing with her. I've been meaning to send pictures to Jane and Teal - I'll attach some here. Thanks for ALL you all do at Good Karma Rescue - we are absolutely thrilled with Roxy.


Just wanted to say hello and let you know our sweet baby girl is still doing wonderfully. She is very curious, loves long walks, and playing at the doggie park. She is healthy and happy, and weighs in at 84lbs. We just celebrated her 5th birthday.

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